The Lo-Nyamship Cultural Program was started in June 2014 in a rented space in Elmhurst, Queens. This program began with about 15 children, two teachers and four parents’ groups. It was born out of the need for cultural and language learning opportunities for children from Lo – a space for children and their parents to come together and create a basic foundation for learning, preserving and conserving our culture, values, and faith in the context of American and New York life, given all of the pressures and possibilities this entails, especially for young people, whether they moved from Nepal to New York as children or were born here in the United States. Before starting the program, community members discussed the importance of such a program and several individuals from the Lo-Nyamship community began to make this vision a reality, even though they had limited resources, logistical support, or experience in planning such activities. However, what they lacked in experience they made up for in passion and commitment. Initially, this children’s language and culture program was run by volunteer parent committee members, volunteers, and important members of the community. Over time, this initiative has grown and flourished. The program has now been running for almost eight years, serving nearly 60 children, and supported by 6 teachers, 2 volunteers and 4 parents committee members. In future years, we envision this program continuing and expanding to include other programs such as after school programming and summer camp programs. We also know that this program will need to continue adapting over time to new community needs while also remaining steadfast in its commitment to imparting Lo language and cultural traditions to next generations.